Stormwater Detention for Recreational Building
Founded on this site in 1866, Ebenezer Baptist Church was past due for expansion. They wanted to construct a Recreational Building along with additional parking on the grounds, but were running out of space to handle the storm water. With a high water table adding to the space concerns and an aging municipal storm sewer unable to handle a lot of additional volume, finding an answer to the storm water questions proved difficult.
The Atlantis tank system proved to be the solution this site required. A completely modular system, two small landscaped areas were selected for underground storm water retention. Since the selected sites were landscaped areas, the Atlantis tank modules were placed just 12″ (300mm) below grade, allowing the bottom of the system to be a full two feet above the high water table. And with 95% void space for storm water, the system was easily designed to retain and infiltrate the additional storm water created by the new building.