Water Management
For underground Infiltration, Detention,Rainwater Harvesting & Channel applications

The Atlantis tank system provides underground water storage of unlimited capacity and can be installed in various volumes, shapes and depths to meet specific project requirements.The entire project location can be used as a catchment area including stormwater, landscape and roof areas providing the water storage capacity to meet your requirements. Suitable for both residential and commercial installation projects, the Atlantis tank system maximizes land usage and minimizes stormwater runoff. Atlantis tank systems provide unlimited storage and flexible design to meet your water requirements.
Infiltration Tank
The infiltration tank system is the ideal way to manage stormwater runoff in permeable or semi-permeable soil conditions.
The system is designed to capture surface water through infiltration, and then clean and filter the water before it is allowed to recharge the water table providing moisture for surrounding vegetation. The Atlantis Filtration Unit also captures and cleans roof water before entry into the storage area (Atlantis Tank Modules).

Rainwater Harvesting Tank (Re-Use)
The Atlantis Re-use System has proven effective in providing a regular clean water supply for domestic and commercial applications.
The system captures water from both landscaped areas through surface infiltration and from roof areas which are filtered through an Atlantis Filtration Unit. Clean water is retained within the storage area away from harmfulU.V. light and heat remaining cool underground readily available for re-use.

Detention Tank (Attenuation Tank)
The Atlantis Detention System is a cost effective solution that can also address water quality. The system offers flexible design options, saving installation time and delays to site access.
Water captured from roof and paved areas are filtered through an Atlantis Filtration Unit before entering the storage area (Atlantis Tank Modules).Water is then slowly released through the discharge control unit (DCU).